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What are 4 types of Motivation?

Motivation is a feeling, an emotion. It’s a natural desire to do something or not do something because it feels good or bad. People often use the word motivation to describe the will to live, but that wasn’t always the case. In this article, we are sharing 4 types of motivation.

types of motivation

Four Types of Motivation

In the realm of human motivation, intrinsic and extrinsic are two types of motivation. Intrinsic refers to motivations that are internal (i.e., you want it because you’re intrinsically motivated). While extrinsic refers to motivations that are external (i.e., you get it from being rewarded for your efforts).

Identified is a combination of internal and external motivations. You’re both internally motivated to achieve an outcome but also know how much time or effort it takes. So your motivation comes from knowing what’s expected of you rather than feeling driven by internal needs alone.

Introjected means “duplicated inside,” so if something motivates us in one way at work then we might feel similar forces pushing us elsewhere at home or school without realizing why we’re doing things differently there. This type can also be called “self-imposed pressure.”

1. Intrinsic Motivation

Intrinsic motivation is a form of internal drive that comes from within. It’s the motivation to do something because you want to, not because someone else says so.

For example, when you go out on the run or walk just because it feels good and makes your heart beat faster. It is intrinsic motivation at work!

But what if we could identify our intrinsic motivations? How would this help us improve our lives? We’d be able to find ways to increase them (like running) and decrease them (like eating junk food). And since these feelings aren’t something we can control directly like our diet or exercise habits, they’re easier for us than any other type of motivation!

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If you have been trying to get into medical school for years but got rejected every time. It is due to your GPA being below average. Then, you might feel like giving up on that dream entirely and just go back home. The second form of motivation comes from within us, and it’s called intrinsic motivation. This type can be much harder to achieve than extrinsic because the desire for change has to come from deep down inside yourself.

The main problem with this kind of motivation is that people often struggle with finding something worth fighting for or being passionate about. People also may feel like their life has become too routine or boring and that there’s nothing new or exciting left in it anymore.

Another example of intrinsic motivation is learning how to play an instrument because you enjoy listening to music. This type of motivation is more difficult for some people than others, but it can be achieved by finding something that interests them and setting aside time each day just for this purpose. For example, if someone wants to learn how to play the piano then they might set aside 30 minutes per week just practicing without any distractions…

2. Extrinsic Motivation

Extrinsic motivation is the most common type of motivation, and it’s what you’re probably familiar with. It involves rewards, punishment, and fear of failure. The idea is that if you do something or achieve something then someone will reward or punish you based on how well they think it went. (or didn’t go)

The problem with extrinsic motivation is that people tend to do what they want when they want. It is not because they want to be rewarded by others for doing so.

For example: if I’m feeling hungry at lunchtime then I’ll eat regardless of whether my friend wants me out of her apartment so she can have some privacy for herself!

Another issue with extrinsic motivation is that there are no guarantees about how much time will pass before being rewarded/punished again. You could get stuck in an endless cycle where nothing happens after achieving your goal!

This leads us to our next form…

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3. Identified Motivation

An identified motivation is one in which you are motivated by the desire to be like someone else. You want to be like them because you think they are cool, successful, or just plain awesome.

This type of motivation can lead to many problems, especially when it comes to your career path. If you have this type of motivation and try to go through life based on what other people think about you rather than who you really are as an individual. (or even worse: if your self-esteem has been damaged). Then there may come a time when things don’t go according to plan.

The best way to prevent this from happening is by focusing on your own self-worth and not letting others dictate how valuable you are.

4. Introjected Motivation

Introjected motivation is a form of internal motivation, whereby you’re motivated by your own beliefs and values. If you believe that being successful means doing something in particular, then this type of motivation will help drive your actions.

You can use introjected motivations to motivate yourself when trying to achieve something new or difficult—whether it’s starting a new job or learning how to play an instrument.

You can also use introjected motivations to motivate yourself when trying to achieve something new or difficult.

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For example, if you believe that it’s important for people to have a sense of self-worth, then taking care of yourself will be motivated by this value. This type of motivation may take some time before it becomes evident.

Understanding Everything in Short

There are four types of motivation: intrinsic, extrinsic, identified, and introjected. Intrinsically motivated people feel compelled to pursue goals that interest them for their own sake.

Extrinsically motivated people pursue a goal because it will benefit them in some way. For example, if you want to lose weight because you think it will make you look good or feel healthy.

Identified motivations come from outside sources such as rewards or punishments. For example, when someone wins an award at work they may become intrinsically motivated to work harder than before. It is because they’re motivated by the praise itself rather than any external factors like money (intrinsic).

Introjected motivations occur when an individual believes they have certain abilities or skills that would be useful in another area (ex: being good with animals).

The Bottom Line

Understanding your motivations, and their types are helpful in self-awareness. It can help you understand yourself better and work towards making positive changes.

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